Shortcut in Navision

Posted by mELodYsEasons | 11:11 PM |

* Print (Ctrl+P) - This button only functions when you are viewing a printable report.
* Page View- This button functions to execute a viewable report.
* Cut (Ctrl+X) - With this function you can remove and save information selected
from within fields (or many selected records simultaneously) to
the Windows clipboard for pasting into Microsoft Navision or
other applications like Microsoft Excel.
* Copy (Ctrl+C) - This functions just like the Cut function except that it does not
remove the information it copies to the clipboard.
* Undo (Ctrl+Z) - This function will reverse your action in a field before you have
left that field (ESC will do the same).

# Paste (Ctrl+V) - This function enters contents to the clipboard into the area you
have selected.
# Insert (F3) - This function will open a new, empty record into a table.
# Delete (F4) - This function deletes a selected record from a table.
# Search (Ctrl+F) - This function opens the search, find and replace window.
# Field Filter (F7) - With this function you can limit what records you retrieve from
the database with Microsoft Navision filter keys. (We will go into
great detail about this important tool later).
# Table Filter (Ctrl+F7)- With this function you can view, add to and/or remove all the
filters in a table that limit the records Microsoft Navision can retrieve.
# Flow Filter(Shift+F7)- This function shows which filters determine the values in calculated fields, such as an account balance or total sales.
# Sorting (Ctrl+F8)- This button opens the Sorting window and shows you what options
are available to sort the records in a table.
# First, Previous,Next, Last - These buttons allow you to toggle through the records in a table.
# List (F5)- This button displays the table view of the file card you are currently
in. If the file card does not have a table view it is possible
to create one.
# Help (F1) - When you have a question about a Microsoft Navision feature
you can select the object and press the F1 function button on
your keyboard. Not every feature contains help in the documentation,
however, most are covered.