Entering date into Navision

Posted by mELodYsEasons | 12:13 PM |

Date can be entered into Navision with the following code:

1. w : workdate
2. t : system date
3. c: closing date
4. # : number of days
5. m : Monday
6. tu : Tuesday
7. we : Wednesday
8. th: Thursday
9. f : Friday
10. sa: Saturday
11. su : Sunday

Navision support 2 digits year format from year 1930 to 2029. If you enter a number from 30 to 99 in the year portion of a date, Navision will interprete it as 19XX. If you enter the number from 00 to 29, Navision will interprete it as 20XX.

Don't be confused that Navision can only support date from 1930 to 2029. Navision if using Native database can support date range from 0000 to 9999 while SQL Option can support date range from 1753 to 9999. If you want to enter any date out of the 1930 to 2029 ranges, you must enter the full 4 digit year format.