To open Warehouse Setup card, click
Warehouse -> Setup -> Warehouse Setup
There are 2 tabs in the Warehouse Setup window:
1) General
The General tab determines general warehouse handling processes.
Fields to take note in this tab is the Receipt Posting Policy & Shipment Posting Policy. This field determines whether warehouse employees are able to see posting errors when posting warehouse receipt or shipment lines. I am not sure under what circumstances we do not want warehouse employee to see the posting errors. If anyone know the reason, please kindly let me know.
This tab determines the No. Series used for various warehouse documents.
1) Warehouse -> Setup -> Locations
2) We can setup multiple locations in Navision. The locations can be defined as whether to use Warehouse Management System (WMS) or not.
3) To define a location will use WMS, go to the Warehouse tab, place a check mark at the Direct Put-Away and Pick field. The following fields will be checked and become non-editable:
~a) Require Receive
~b) Require Shipment
~c) Require Put-away
~d) Require Pick
~e) Bin Mandatory
4) Fields that related to the order date and promising functionality are:
~a) Outbound Whse.
~b) Handling Time
~c) Inbound Whse. Handling Time
~d) Base Calender Code
~e) Customized Calendar
5) Fields in Bin tab become available when Directed Put-Away and Pick is checked.
6) The values entered in the bin tab will be used as the default value for activities that involve bin. Link to bin table (7354).
7) Warehouse is logically divided into zones. Zones are divided into bins.
8) Must have at least 4 zones in Navision:
~a) Receipt
~b) Cross-dock
~c) Pick
~d) Shipping
1) PO must be released first before warehouse personnel can see the order lines.
2) Receive of items can be done at
(a) Purchase Order OR (b) Warehouse Receipt
3) When items arrived at warehouse, employees need to create a warehouse receipt. Once the employee post the Warehouse receipt, the items will become part of intentory and ready for sale.
4) When posting the receipt, an inbound document that instruct the warehouse employee where to put the items is created. Suggested zone and bins can be changed.
5) After posting, the historical transaction can be viewed at Posted Received and Registered Put-away.
6) The PO can be invoiced when the warehouse has completed its tasks.
Complete Purchase Cycle
1) Buyer / Purchaser create PO. The PO must be released in order for Warehouse personnel to see the PO.
2) When items arrived at the warehouse, Warehouse personnel will receive the items.
3) There are 2 functional areas that can be used to receive Purchase Order.
a) Warehouse --> Planning & Execution --> Receipts
(i) Get Source Document
(ii) Source Document Filtering
b) Purchase --> Order Processing --> Orders
(i) Functions -> Create Whse. Receipt
Before user can do Warehouse Receipt, the user id must be setup as warehosue employee. To setup user as warehouse employee:
1) Go to Warehouse --> Planning & Execution --> Setup Warehouse --> Employees
2) Key in the user id for user who will do warehouse receipt.
If you set Dimension Value = Code Mandatorythen, then this dimension must have value when doing posting, but any dimension value is acceptable.
If you set Dimension value = code mandatory at Vendor card, you must specify a dimension value at purchase order header. If you specify at the purchase line but not at the header, you still not able to do posting.
Navision will pick the default location to be used in sales / purchase document based on the following priority:
1st priority - Customer / Vendor Card
2nd priority - Responsibility Center Card
3rd priority - Company Information Card
Both Purchase and Positive Adjmt. Entry Types in Item Journals will increase quantity in inventory. When you select Purchase Entry Type, Navision will default the unit cost from Item Card Last Direct Cost. If you select the Positive Adjmt. Entry Type, Navision will default the unit cost to the Item Card Unit Cost.
Read More..If you are using Average Cost, Negative Adjustment will take the average cost on the day the negative adjustment is valued (based on posting date and valuation date).
For example, when you do a Negative Adjustment in Item Journal, Navision will default the unit cost with the Unit Cost from Item Card. It doesn't matter whether you accept the default cost suggested by Navision or change the unit cost to other cost, because the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job or the automatic cost adjustment function will adjust the unit cost back to the average cost based on the valuation date. Therefore, no matter what cost you put in the Item Journal during Negative Adjustment will not affect the cost used in the negative adjustment.
If you are using Standard Cost, the unit cost in Item Journal will be defaulted to Unit Cost in Item Card, which is the current standard cost. Later, when the adjust cost function is executed, the unit cost posted by the negative adjustment will be adjusted to the unit cost of the positive entry which the negative adjustment is applied to. Let's consider the following example,
Jan 01, 2008 - Item A is created and standard cost is set to $10.
Jan 02, 2008 - Purrchase 10 units of Item A with $10.
Feb 01, 2008 - Change standard cost of Item A to $12.
Feb 05, 2008 - Purchase 10 units of Item A with $12.
Feb 07, 2008 - Negative 2 units of Item A.
So, on Feb 07 2008, when 2 units of Item A is entered into the Item Journal, Navision will default the unit cost to $12. Accept the cost and post the Negative Adjustment. The Negative Adjustment will be posted with $12. You can verify this by checking the Item Ledger Entries and Value Entries. Now, run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job. After the Adjust Cost batch job completed successfully, check the Item Ledger Entries and Value Entries again. You should be able to see an adjustment entry with -$2 has been added to the Value Entries table to adjust the unit cost to $10.
The Negative Adjustment will take $10 instead of $12 as unit cost because the negative adjustment entry has been applied to the purchase entry created on Jan 02 2008, which is $10.
Microsoft has introduced Navigation Pane in Navision version 4.0 and 5.0. By default, the Navigation Pane is visible and docked to the left of the screen. You can show / hide the Navigation Pane by pressing Alt + F1 or using View --> Navigation Pane menu.
The following steps are not foolproof yet but it has helped me solved many average cost issues.
1) At item card, click on Item --> Entries --> Value Entries to open the value entries screen.
2) Copy all records in the value entries screen to Excel.
3) In the Excel sheet, sort the records by Valuation Date.
4) Add a column called Cost Amount to the Excel sheet. Cost Amount = Cost Amount (Expected) + Cost Amount (Actual). Use Excel formula to populate the Cost Amount column for all records.
5) Add a column called Cost Amount (Accumulated). As indicated by the column name, it is the accumulated value of Cost Amount from first record to the last record. Again use Excel formula to populate this column.
6) Add a column called Quantity (Accumulated). Quantity (Accumulated) is the accumulated quantity from first record to the last record. Use Excel formula to populate this column.
7) Add a column called Avg. Cost. Avg. Cost = Cost Amount (Accumulated) / Quantity (Accumulated).
8) Now, look for the last inbound entry record for each Valuation Date. The Avg. Cost for the last inbound record for each valuation date is the average cost for the day.